Thursday, August 10, 2017

God's offspring, our promised seed of Genesis 3:15.

... and you call yourself a christian!

Professing that God is Jesus! For religiously poisoned folk that care to be cured; NOT for the lame folk that sucks up to dogma of religious bullshit!!
You are believing the lie. How many others is the question from this point forth!
You will not believe sound doctrine if it just fell on ya!! This is idolatry, spiritualism, blasphemous, and furthermore "YOU all have chosen a false God!"
The trinity is NOT logical(and what to F is this insipid ball of wax of "ONENESS, as you ignorants pull up for ego sake!?. Scripture tells us that God is “immortal,” which means “not subject to death,” but Jesus died. - 1 Timothy 1:17
Jesus Christ was the offspring of Mary and God. Thus he was born with no sinful nature in him (as the life of the flesh which was corrupted by sin is passed from father to son by the seed of the father), yet he was totally a man. He had to grow and mature and learn to walk with God just as any other man. He had to learn of his mission to redeem man and he had to fulfill all the genetic requirements of the promised seed of the woman.
Genesis 3:15
15 and I(Jehovah God) will put enmity between thee(the Devil) and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed(the promised Messiah; the Christ, our Lord); it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

He had to be a descendent of Adam, Abraham, and David. He was and is God's plan for the redemption of man. He is the only begotten son of God.

Matthew 1:18
Now the birth [gennēsis] of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost.

The word birth is the Greek word gennēsis, from which we get our English word genesis.
Genesis means beginning.
There can be no doubt as to the meaning of the word genesis. Its meaning is not open to debate. Jesus Christ had a beginning and it was right here in Matthew when he was born. Jesus Christ was not around before this point in time. His birth was his beginning, his genesis.
Prove that you can think, please!?
For Jesus to be the Messiah he could not be born dead in trespass and sin. Man’s sinful nature is passed down from Adam through the blood. For Jesus not to be born dead in trespass and sin he had to be born with innocent blood. What does that mean and why would it be legally important?? To understand the legal significance of Jesus’ innocent blood we first have to understand Jesus’ miraculous conception by the Holy Spirit.
The following are excerpts from the book “Jesus Christ Our Promised Seed” by Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille.
Dr. Wierwille states “…As the Messiah, Jesus Christ had to fulfill certain genealogical requirements promised in the Old Testament among them, (1) he had to be a descendent of Adam; (2) he had to be a descendent of Abraham; and (3) he had to be a descendent of King David. The Old Testament further stipulated that the Messiah’s royal lineage would trace its way through King David and Solomon. Finally besides being the son of Adam, Abraham, and David, the Messiah would also have to be the Son of God. That Jesus Christ had all of these qualifications will become indisputably clear in studying his conception and genealogy.
Jesus Christ’s genealogy, as with all people, was determined by his mother and her predecessors and his father. So in researching God’s Word for the great truths of Jesus Christ’s genealogy we need to begin by noting certain details regarding his conception…”
Mat 1:18
(18) Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost [Holy Spirit].
“…Before they came together” means that before Joseph and Mary had sexual intercourse Mary was already pregnant, and the child she was carrying was conceived in her by God, who is the Holy Spirit…”
Luk 1:35
(35) And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.
“…Therefore, from a physical, genetic point of view, Jesus Christ’s Father was God and his mother was Mary. Joseph, Mary’s husband, became Jesus’ human father by the circumstances in which he found himself, but not by his genetic contribution. Joseph by God’s direction accepted the responsibility of rearing Jesus as a son in his household.
There is no question that the Bible teaches divine conception, that God was literally Jesus Christ’s Father. In any conception there are two necessary elements: the egg and the sperm. The egg is supplied by the mother, who in this case was Mary. The sperm is supplied by the father, who in this case was God, who is the Holy Spirit. Being Spirit, God did not, of course, have sexual intercourse with Mary, for spirit cannot cohabit with flesh. Rather, by divine creation, God put seed inside Mary [I would add that if Mary had sex with God she would no longer be a virgin who gave birth.] That is how Mary, who had never had sexual relations, had Jesus conceived within her. This is the miracle of Jesus’ conception…[And…only Mary fulfilled all the prerequisites necessary in order to carry the promised seed. God said He would have an only begotten Son, and He chose Mary in whom to create the seed that would give birth to that one Son.
There are several genetic and physical considerations involved with Jesus Christ’s conception. The Bible teaches that all men since Adam are born “dead in sins” (Eph 2:5). Man is conceived and born with a sinful nature. Psalms 51:5 states, “Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.” Romana 5:12 states, “Wherefore, as by one man [Adam] sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed unto all men, for that all have sinned.”
Not only is man born spiritually separated from God, he is born physically with sin, corruption, and impurities in his blood and in his soul life. This soul life which is the natural life of man, and attested to by a person’s breathing, is found in the blood.
Lev 17:11
(11) For the life of the flesh is in the blood…
While the mother and father both make genetic contributions to the flesh and blood of a child, the soul life in the blood is contributed by the sperm, the seed. It comes from the male side. In the conception of Jesus Christ, this truth is pointedly stated in Hebrews.
Heb 2:14
(14) Forasmuch then as the children are partakers [Greek: “koinoneo,” to share fully] of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part [Greek: “metecho,” to take a part or portion] of the same [flesh and blood]…
All children share fully of both the flesh and blood, genetically passed on to them since Adam and Eve the first man and woman, but Jesus Christ took only part. He did not share “fully.” Here in Hebrew 2:14, the figure of speech “metonymy” of the adjunct is found, in which the word “blood” is used to represent the soul life in the blood. This usage of “blood” is common in the Bible, especially when it is used with the term “flesh,” which here is used for the physical part of man as opposed to the soul part. In partaking of the flesh and blood, all people have inherited their bodies and their soul life from Adam and his descendants. This soul life in the blood is corrupt with a sinful nature inherent within it.
This is why it is necessary to understand from Hebrews 2:14 that Jesus Christ “took part of the same.” What part did he take? He did not “share” fully in both the flesh and blood of man. Physically, according to the flesh, part of Jesus’ genetic makeup came from Mary. However, the soul life in his blood was not inherited from Mary, Adam, or any other human being. The life of the flesh is in the blood, according to Leviticus 17:11, and the life within the flesh of man, within his blood, is corrupt. But Jesus Christ’s came from God. That is why Jesus Christ’s soul life was conceived without sin or corruption.
As we have seen, natural life, which is called “soul life,” is in the blood. Sin is transmitted through this soul life, in other words, through the blood, and not through the flesh. That is why Hebrews 2:14 is such a tremendous statement. How marvelously God arranged for a child to be conceived that would be completely a man, having complete freedom of will, but also having a sinless nature.
With masterful foresight God prepared for the sinless birth of His Son, Jesus Christ, from the very beginning. In order to produce a sinless man descended from Adam, God provided a way whereby Jesus would have a human body derived from Adam’s line, yet uncontaminated by Adam’s sinful soul life. To accomplish this, God created the sperm containing a perfect soul life which impregnated the egg in Mary’s fallopian tube. Therefore, the dominate characteristics of the genes determining the makeup of Jesus Christ came from his Father, God.
The miracle of the birth of Jesus Christ was his divine conception in Mary. His birth [itself] was not miraculous, for like any infant he developed within Mary’s womb and was born according to natural processes. But, the miracle of his divine conception enabled man’s redeemer to come into the world as a sinless, perfect human being, yet having the freedom of will to sin or not to sin; to believe or not to believe God. God did not go beyond any of His previously instituted laws to bring His son into the world.
Understanding all of this, many scriptures concerning Jesus’ descent from the linage of David become much more meaningful. That is why the following scriptures are so accurate.
Act 2:30
(30) …that of the fruit of his [David’s] loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ…
Rom 1:3
(3) Concerning his [God’s] Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which [who] was made of the seed of David according to the flesh.
These verses do not say Jesus Christ was of the seed of David “according to the flesh and blood.” That would be totally inaccurate. These verses all say “according to the flesh,” for Christ’s soul life in his blood came from God. It did not come from David or David’s descendant, Mary. But physically, according to the flesh, Jesus Christ can properly be said to be of the seed of David. That is the great accuracy of these key verses of scripture…”
In his book Dr. Wierwille then goes through the details of the genealogy of Jesus Christ showing by the scripture that both Joseph and Mary were descendants of King David. It’s way too long to add here but after covering Jesus’ genealogy Dr. Wierwille continues with the following paragraphs.
“…A person’s standing in a family was normally recognized by the lineage of the father. From a human point of view Jesus needed patrilineal credentials in order to function in a society built upon paternal genealogy. He would not be accepted in the Judean society without a pedigree traceable through both parents. Since few would believe that on his Father’s side he needed no pedigree, his Father being God, he had to have socially acceptable credentials through the human being whom society considered to be his father, Joseph. Since Joseph assumed the responsibility for Jesus as his son, it was Joseph’s line that gave Jesus full legal standing in the house of David. Whereas Joseph’s genealogy listed in Luke 3 gave Jesus his standing in the House of David by the assumed responsibility of Joseph, it was in truth the genealogy listed in Mathew 1 which gave Jesus Christ true standing in the House of David with the right to inherit his throne by the family line and genetic contribution of Mary.
The genealogy given in Luke 3 is not Jesus Christ’s royal lineage. Mathew 1 indicates his royal lineage from Solomon and others who sat on David’s throne...
…Both lineages, - that of Mary, in the Gospel of Matthew, and that of Joseph, in the Gospel of Luke – have Abraham and David common to their ancestry. Since Joseph assumed the responsibility as Jesus’ father, this gave Jesus during his earthly walk a legal standing in the house of David. But as Mary’s son by birth, Jesus had more than legal standing in the House of David; because of Mary’s genealogy, Jesus Christ was descended from the royal line of the House of David, so that he could genetically and legally inherit the throne of David. Being conceived by the Holy Spirit (who is God) Jesus was the true and only begotten Son of God, the “ssemah” or offspring of God.
Jesus was the offspring of Mary and God. Thus he was born with no sinful nature in him, yet he was totally a man, a male child who would have to mature and learn in order to complete his God ordained mission. As the offspring of both God and Mary, the Christ came into the world fulfilling all the genealogical requirements of the promised seed: he would be a descendant of Adam, of Abraham, and of David. He would also be the only begotten Son of God, the promised seed, God’s perfect plan for man’s redemption.”
And that is the last of the excerpts from Dr. Wierwille”s book, “Jesus Christ Our Promised Seed.”
And so now we know the legal significance of Jesus’ “innocent” blood. It should be noted the first Adam, though he was never born, started life with innocent blood, and the last Adam, Jesus Christ, also started life with innocent blood. And all of these things confirm God does things on a legal basis.
We have seen who and what Jesus legally had to be for him to be eligible to be the promised seed. If Jesus is anything other than 100% a man who is the Son of God, and nothing else, it would legally eliminate his being eligible to be the promised seed. If Jesus is God/man then he is more than man which means he is not the second Adam which means he cannot possibly be the promised seed and no one who believes in Jesus Christ is saved. God made a way for Jesus to be His only begotten Son and yet be 100% percent a man by creating a human sperm to fertilize Mary’s ovum. Jesus was born totally a man with innocent blood and yet at the same time he was the Son of God, nothing more, nothing less.
Jesus is the Son of God because God created the sperm with perfect genes that with Mary’s ovum became Jesus. I suppose you might even say Jesus was the ultimate designer baby designed by God and yet with free will to obey God or not. Even though God was Jesus’ Father Jesus did not inherit any genes from God because God is spirit and spirit does not have chromosomes because chromosomes are part of the physical system God instituted for man to have seed to be fruitful and multiply. God being spirit is not a physical being. The seed that produced Jesus was 100% physical seed, 100% human seed, and human seed cannot multiply to become God.
As the last Adam, Jesus had to be equally a man like the first Adam, who was not God. If Jesus Christ is God/man then he is more than man and thus cannot be the last Adam. But he can be 100% a man and still be the Son of God because God created the human sperm that impregnated Mary.
If Jesus is a man, which God says he is, then Jesus is also less than God. Man is finite. God is infinite. Infinite can never be less than infinite. God can never be less than God. Therefore Jesus cannot be God.
Heb 2:16-18
(16) For verily he took not on him the nature of angels (spirit beings); but he took on him the seed of Abraham.
(17) Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people.
(18) For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted, he is able to succour them that are tempted.
Heb 4:15
(15) For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.
Jas 1:13
(13) …for God cannot be tempted with evil…
All of the following 10 verses are reproof pointing out the wrong belief that Jesus is God.
Mat 12:32
(32) And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.
If both Jesus and the Holy Ghost (Holy Spirit) are God then this verse is saying whoever speaks against God it will be forgiven but whoever speaks against God it will not be forgiven. That would be nonsense. And what if someone speaks against the Father?? But notice how this verse makes perfect sense if Jesus Christ is the man who is the son of God and the Holy Spirit is God, the Father. The Holy Spirit and the Father are one supernatural being who is God and not two supernatural beings who are parts of one God. When read with accurate understanding this verse is totally logical.
Mar 13:32
(32) But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.
God knows everything and if Jesus is God then he knows everything. This verse says Jesus didn’t know everything.
Joh 7:16
(16) Jesus answered them, and said, My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me.
If Jesus Christ is God how could his doctrine not be his?
Joh 14:28
(28) Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I.
No one is greater than God. If Jesus was God then the Father cannot be greater than Jesus. God cannot be greater than God.
Rom 8:3
(3) For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh:
1Co 8:6
(6) But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him.
1Co 11:3
(3) But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.
1Ti 2:5
(5) For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
1Jn 5:5
(5) Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?
1Jn 4:15
(15) Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God.
2Jn 1:3
(3) Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love.

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